Creativity as Expression

relooking at art as a form of expression...not just a skill

Unlocking Hidden Potential

At OPENDOORS, we believe that every child has the innate ability to observe and express.

Our mission is to provide a creative environment where children and young adults can recognize their talents and reach their full potential.

Through our partnership with schools, we aim to redesign and restructure art classes, integrating art into the regular curriculum based on the NEP2023.

Unlocking Creativity

Today’s students will inherit a complex and rapidly changing world, a world in which they’ll be required to absorb new ideas, examine and interpret information, apply knowledge, and solve unconventional problems. To deal with this information explosion, students will need to develop systematic ways of THINKING AND REASONING.

CRITICAL AND CREATIVE THINKING skills will be essential.

According to National Research Council, 2006, critical thinking is the central element of problem solving at all levels of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education.

Critical thinking and Creativity are the two of the four most important skills to survive in the 21st century.

Critical thinking & Art

Reflecting on multiple interpretations is an aspect of critical thinking.

Works of art pose problems that can be resolved in many ways so interpretation and critiquing are the main faculties developed.

Critical thinking is inherent in arts

Engagement in critical and aesthetic enquiry in arts makes it compulsory for student to think critically.

what about the grownups?!

We at OPENDOORS recognize the need for moments of respite, a chance to break away from the demands of our roles and responsibilities. The ‘CLEAR THE MINDBOX’ – SERIES OF ART BASED STRESS RELIEVER WORKSHOPS is designed to offer a unique approach to stress relief, one that doesn't involve more tasks or strategies, but rather, a canvas, colors, and the freedom to express oneself without limitations.

Led by accomplished artists and experienced wellness experts, these sessions are not about becoming a professional artist – they are about finding an outlet for self-expression, exploring colors and lines, and discovering the joy of creation.

Through carefully curated series of activities, you'll learn how to wield a paintbrush as a tool of relaxation, turning your thoughts and emotions into strokes of vibrant hues.


OPENDOORS is dedicated to unlocking the hidden and trapped potential that children are born with. We firmly believe that Art and Design is the key to help our children excel in every area of life. Our team works closely with schools, both government and public, to redesign and restructure art classes, as well as integrate art into the regular curriculum based on the NEP2023.

Unlocking Potential Through Art and Design

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